Draft Letter for your Delegate & Senator

Wives For Family Reunification

| Wives For Family Reunification | The Format | Proposed Criteria for Conjugal Visits | Suggestions for Conjugal Sites | Draft Letter for your Delegate & Senator | Conjugal Visitation Inmate Eligibility For Other States | Article 1: Conjugal Visitation: A U.S. Perspective | Article 2: Current Views of Inmate Visiting | Email Correspondence and Updates | Useful Resources and Links

Here is a draft letter you can use to get a idea on what to write your Delegate and Senator. Please make sure to edit it to fit you.

Dear Delegate Or Senator (Name of Delegare or Senator),

    My name is (Your Name) I am one of your constiutents in your district. I am the wife of an inmate who is serving time at (Your Husbands Location). I wanted to introduce myself to you and get your input an assistants on new legislation I'm trying to establish in Maryland. Delegate Marriott is planning on introducing legislation on Conjugal Visitiations for Maryland in January. I would like to meet with you and give you all the information and reserach I have done and obtained, and would like to diiscuss with you, your views and opinions regarding this matter. I hope for your support to be a co-sponser in this matter in January.

  I hope to hear from you soon, I will also follow up with a phone call to assure you have received this email and to hopefully set up a meeting with you to discuss this matter more extensivly, thank you in advance for your assistance.


(Your Name)
Below is a link to a website where you can find out who your Delegate and Sentors are. It will give you all the information on how to contact them.

To find your elected officials Click Here

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